Emme is a HIPAA-compliant company and your data privacy is our priority. Read more here.
My official role is a UX/UI Designer, but my job is really to be an advocate for Emme. I strive to understand their needs and desires so we can create a better experience for them.
I love interacting with our members! Getting to read your constant positive comments inspires and fulfills me. I also love the work I do. I get to combine empathy and community-building with creative and visual design skills to create products and experiences that people interact with every day. And if that's not enough, I have an amazing team who motivate me to be at my best every day.
I was actively looking for companies that work on women’s health. When Amanda, our CEO, presented her vision and the data that drove it (for example... up to 80% of women miss pills each month) — I was hooked. I knew that Emme was on its way to becoming a leading company in the women’s health industry and wanted to be a part of it.
I want to become the Design and Creative Director at Emme. I hope to expand our products and services beyond the birth control pill and become a leading brand in the larger women’s health/femtech industry. I want to sit at the intersection of product and creative to build human centric solutions that our members love.
What excites me the most is new technology that uses genetic and hormonal data to provide personalized products and services. This approach to women’s health will transform our current trial and error system and help women to make more informed choices about what is best for their unique bodies and situations.
I have been involved in women’s wellness work for over 8 years. The personal stories of grief, confusion, pain, transformation, and healing that have been shared with me are my inspiration. When we come together to listen to each other and create a safe space of trust and support -- transformation can happen. I’m honored to have a uterus and a cycle that reminds me of the beauty we carry inside ourselves and the power we have to change the world. Healthcare is just a starting point.
My work at Emme has taught me to be open to change and to be flexible enough to navigate uncertainty. I think this feminine quality is essential to cultivate in a world where we have been taught to have everything under control. Welcoming change in your personal and professional life encourages creativity and innovation! Change shapes the world, and it’s at the core of being human.
I love spending time in nature, especially being close to water. Could be next to a river, a lake, or the ocean. Add a group of friends, camping, and playing music around a fire and you pretty much have a perfect experience - for me.
See open positions here!